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Leverage your military skills, gain valuable civilian experience, and train with industry partners as you transition out of service.

The SkillMil SkillBridge Internship Program is for active duty service members during the last 180 days of military service. 

Does this sound familiar?

  • "I can't figure out what to do after the military."

  • "Are my military skills valuable in the civilian marketplace?"

  • "How do I find companies that are willing to train me after service?"

  • "I'd like to explore a different industry."

If it does, then you're not alone.

Struggling daily to figure out what to do after serving your country is NOT what you had in mind when you started your military career. We've been in your shoes. 


It's perfectly normal to feel stressed or anxious. With so many job opportunities, conflicting job-seeking information, and a long list of things to do before your last day in service, it can feel overwhelming to focus on the right steps to make your transition a smooth one. 


The fact is, many service members have thought that getting a civilian job would be fairly easy. That's because there is one huge looming problem. 



Service members don't know how to leverage their military skills, causing them to undervalue their

military experience or assume they have all the skills required to land a great job. 



The truth is, if you're anxious about working in the civilian workforce and figuring out how to leverage your

military experience...





You need to find an industry partnership where you will gain valuable work experience as you

flex your military skills and expertise. 

(Read that again, because it's important; and it's the key to success after the military.)



Consider applying to the SkillMil Internship










Join us for an internship that proves to be beneficial for your future life out of service.

Through Skillmil, you will gain valuable work experience and be introduced to the key components of working with industry partners of your choice.



Choose from the many remote internship opportunities: 

sales, human resources, marketing, information technology (IT), and SaaS product support. 



We seek motivated service members who share our values.

If you have 180 days left in service, are seeking an exciting & challenging internship

that will lead to full-time employment,

consider the SkillMil DoD SkillBridge Internship Program. 



We are dedicated to offering you an internship experience and professional training that proves

to be valuable for a future career. Through the Skillmil internship program, you will gain valuable work experience and the time necessary to figure things out while working in a competitive civilian work environment. 



Liza B. Gonzalez

SkillMil, SkillBridge Coordinator

(561) 972-8331

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