Originally posted on SRI International on April 26, 2018
SRI International today announced the launch of SkillMil, its latest spin-off venture. Using state-of-the-art semantic reasoning technology, SkillMil improves the civilian employment experience for veterans by precisely matching the skills and experience of military veterans with job opportunities at companies seeking to hire veterans.
Although many Fortune 1000 companies are committed to hiring the more than 300,000 veterans transitioning out of the military every year, hiring veterans has been historically difficult. Often, civilian hiring managers do not understand the military jargon of codes and acronyms reflected in a veteran’s resume, and traditional job search web sites do not optimally match veterans training and skillsets with the right job opportunities. SkillMil aims to close this gap by precisely matching a veteran’s unique profile to job requisitions that closely reflect the veteran’s skills and experience.

SkillMil founder and CEO Noel Gonzalez is a former submarine commanding officer with more than 22 years of experience in the fields of team management, resource operations and high risk operations – and is deeply conversant in what solution best meets the needs of today’s veterans. Over the last decade, he has been instrumental in helping scores of skilled military members make connections and find jobs in the civilian sector.
“Military veterans have highly desirable experience in a range of fields, from cyber intelligence, to supply chain logistics, to trauma and healthcare, as well as a mission-oriented work ethic – all of which can contribute significantly to a company’s workforce,” said Noel Gonzalez. “SkillMil lets hiring companies easily translate and match a veteran’s skills, training and experience with open job requisitions – enabling them to confidently hire veterans who are among the most talented, skilled, and seasoned professionals in the job market.”
The SkillMil technology platform quantifies the percentage match of a veteran’s skills and experience with open job requisitions. In addition to providing a percent match, it lists the training and skills needed to achieve a 100 percent job match to a specific position, so that veterans can know exactly what they need to learn to qualify for a specific job position. SkillMil also converts military jargon into an easy-to-understand “business English” language for hiring managers to grasp the skills, training, and field experience of a veteran – and how the veteran’s background can be leveraged to benefit a business opportunity.
“SRI has deep expertise in artificial intelligence, including developing automated reasoning engines that can exhibit intelligent behavior in complex situations,” said Manish Kothari, Ph.D., president of SRI Ventures. “We are proud to work with SkillMil in applying this technology to help veterans better select jobs for which they are highly qualified – and to help companies realize the tremendous value that veterans can bring to their business.”