I personally knew very little about the Peace Corps until I had the pleasure of having Taylor Majher on our podcast. I thought when you just wanted to get away you joined the Peace Corps and then went overseas to work out your life. I WAS SO WRONG! Her story is amazing and her passion for helping others is inspiring.
Taylor Majher is the Peace Corps regional recruiter for universities and community organizations in the greater Miami, South Florida area. She served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the agricultural sector in Guatemala from 2018—2020. While in service, she worked with community members to help plant school and home gardens and co-facilitated a fruit tree training program.
She also coordinated English classes for two different communities, helping more than 50 people to learn basic English. When she wasn’t teaching she hosted Zumba dance classes. She enjoyed showing others how to stay fit while having fun. Taylor is quite proud of having hiked six active volcanos in Guatemala and having camped on top of two. She says that the camping, the views, and the accomplishment were amazing.
Taylor is a graduate of the University of Iowa, where she has a Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology. Taylor has led the Circle K (part of Kiwanis International) service organization, first as vice-president and then president. Taylor continues to enjoy being a part of the volunteer and recruitment team and hopes to motivate many individuals in the greater Miami territory to apply for an opportunity of a lifetime.
There are stories like Taylor’s throughout the Peace Corps. We have amazing people all over this great nation who selflessly serve others all over the world.
One of my favorite questions: “If you stop to help someone change a tire, are you doing it to help them or to feel better about yourself?
The truth is that it doesn’t matter. Both reasons get the tire changed.
The Peace Corps website states “The Peace Corps is a service opportunity for motivated changemakers to immerse themselves in a community abroad, working side by side with the local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation”. They also have countless stories of people transforming not only the lives of others but their own. Maybe it’s time for you to help change a tire in the Peace Corps.
Myself and my co-host Serena are surprised each week on our Diapers and Deployments podcast at the amazing organizations and all the work they do to support not only our Veteran community but sometimes the world.
Please take the time to visit https://www.peacecorps.gov/ to see some of the amazing things they do. Choose your country, choose your project, and choose your adventure.
As for Taylor, she always has a smile and is always willing to help. She knows her life has meaning and you can feel her energy when she speaks or just walks into a room. We need more people like her in this world.
I’ll leave you with two of my favorite quotes about volunteering.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” -Mahatma Gandhi
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”-Winston Churchill
To hear the podcast visit www.skillmil.com/podcast or search “Diapers and Deployment” wherever you get your podcasts.
